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Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST)
- Menhir (adopted dimpling method for sub-millimeter diemater optical elements)
- OCM Optical contacting method
- Dimpling by elastic footprint polishing (e.g. soft-membrane polishing or MRF)
- PTD subsurface detection of non cracked density changes
- FUM Filled-up microscopy
Dr. Oliver Fähnle
Cattaneo, D.Schachtler, S.Schwyn-Thöny, R.Botha, and O.Faehnle, “SSD detection on LIDT tested coated fused silica samples””, EOSAM20 conference on “Optical system design tolerancing an fabrication“, European Optical Society (EOS), Rome, Italy, September 2021
Cattaneo, H., Botha, R., Ziolek, C., UV absorption mapping as subsurface damage inspection in transparent optical materials, Proc. SPIE 11352, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology, 1135205 (1 April 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2555715, 2021
Cattaneo, H., Botha, R., Ziolek, C., Photothermal Deflection Measurements of Sub-Surface-Damage in LBO Crystals, OSA Laser Congress, September 29 – October 3, Wien, Austria, 2021
Vogt, O.Faehnle, and J.Bliedtner, “Menhir approach in SSD-testing for micro-optical elements”, EOSAM20 conference on “Optical system design tolerancing an fabrication“, European Optical Society (EOS), Rome, Italy, September 2021
Cattaneo, D. Schachtler, R. Botha, C. Ziole and O. Fähnle, “Photothermal deflection measurements in optical materials at 355 nm” OCLA conference, Buchs, Switzerland, 2021
Arnold, T.Liebeskind, A.Felli and O.Faehnle, “Reducing polishing time by previous subsurface damage removal applying wet chemical etching”, SPIE conference on “Precision Optics Manufacturing”, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf, Germany, April 2019
Trum, C.Vogt, O.Faehnle, S. Sitzberger, R.Rascher, “First experiences with Filled-Up-Microscopy (FUM) to evaluate the depth of sub-surface damages on ground surfaces”, EOSAM18 conference on “Optical system design tolerancing an fabrication“, European Optical Society (EOS), Delft, The Netherlands, October 2018
Trum, C.Vogt, O.Faehnle, S. Sitzberger, R.Rascher, “Filled-Up-Microscopy (FUM) – a non-destructive method for approximating the depth of sub-surface damage on ground surfaces.”, SPIE conference on “Precision Optics Manufacturing”, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf, Germany, April 2018
Oliver Faehnle, Rolf Rascher, Christian Vogt, and Daewook Kim, "Closed-loop laser polishing using in-process surface finish metrology," Appl. Opt. 57, 834-838 (2018)
Mark Meeder, Oliver W. Faehnle, "Applications of iTIRM", OpticalFabrication and Testing Conference, OSA, October 2004, Rochester, NY, USA
Oliver Faehnle, and Karin Hauser, “Analysis of fine grinding techniques in terms of achievable surface qualities,” in Optical manufacturing and testing VII, J. H. Burge, Oliver W. Faehnle, and R. Williamson, Eds., Proc. SPIE 2011